The Moving Gundam from GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA is reproduced under the crown of DX Chogokin with sound and light effects in a huge body of approximately 370mm. The most significant feature is the sound and light effects, which last for a total of just under 10 minutes, and evoke the memories and emotions of Yokohama.
For the main body: LR44 x 3, LR41 x 8 (with test batteries) For pedestal: AA x 3 (sold separately) Product Size Height: approx. 370mm (Gundam body)
「GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA」の“動くガンダム”を「DX超合金」の冠のもとに、音と光の演出と共に約370mmの巨躯で再現。
主な商品素材 ABS・ダイキャスト・PVC
商品サイズ 全高:約370mm(ガンダム本体)
DX Chogokin RX-78F00 GUNDAM FACTORY Yokohama
The Moving Gundam from GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA is reproduced under the crown of DX Chogokin with sound and light effects in a huge body of approximately 370mm.
The most significant feature is the sound and light effects, which last for a total of just under 10 minutes, and evoke the memories and emotions of Yokohama.
For the main body: LR44 x 3, LR41 x 8 (with test batteries)
For pedestal: AA x 3 (sold separately)
Product Size Height: approx. 370mm (Gundam body)